Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE)
The Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) is the leading National Professional non-profit making Society for the Technical Education System in our country with the motto of Career Development of Teachers and Personality Development of Students and overall development of our Technical Education System. At present, ISTE has a very large and an effective membership base consisting of more than 1,02,985 Life Members, 5,54,094 Student Members, 2410 Institutional Members (including IITs, NITs and other leading technical institutions), 1214 Faculty Chapters and 1322 Students’ Chapters and 17 Sections throughout the country.
It is a Professional Society giving over more than 70 National and Regional Awards to Institutions, Teachers and Students for innovation and excellence in various areas of Engineering and Technology.It runs ISTE-Srinivasa Ramanujan Mathematical Competitions, ISTE-SRM Short-Term Training Programmes and ISTE-PTU Faculty Development Programmes.
Major Objectives
- Provide quality training programmes to teachers and administrators of technical institutions to update their knowledge and skills in their fields of activity.
- Assist and contribute in the production and development of top-quality professional engineers and technicians needed by the industry and other organizations.
- Provide guidance and training to students to develop better learning skills and personality.
- The RIT owes an Educational Institution Membership of ISTE for both faculty and students.
- The membership validity is life time for faculty and 4 years / 3 years as per duration of the course for the students.
- At present the chapter has around 1485 student members and 184 faculty members from the various departments.
- ISTE Student Chapter organizes various events like Inter departmental competitions, Quiz competitions, etc.
- ISTE even organizes Value added courses, Guest Lectures, Workshops, Seminars, Conferences, Faculty Development Programmes.
Office Bearers of ISTE RIT Chapter
Sr.No. |
Name |
Designation |
1 |
Prof.Yogesh S. Patil |
Chairman |
3. |
Prof.Mrs.Yogini N. Bhosale |
Secretary & Faculty Advisor |
4. |
Prof.Mrs.Priyanka S. Patil |
Diploma Coordinator |
5. |
Ms.P.G.Bendre (CS) |
Department Coordinators (Degree Wing) |
Prof.M.M.Maske (Civil Engineering) |
Prof.A.D.Homkar (CS IT) |
Prof.R.T.Patil (Electronics and Tele communication) |
Prof.P.C.Chavan (Mechanical Engineering) |
6. |
Prof.P.A.Desai (Automobile Engineering) |
Department Coordinators (Diploma Wing) |
Prof.V.T.Babar (Civil Engineering) |
Prof.S.D.Gaikwad (Mechanical Engineering) |
Prof.S.M.Jadhav (Science and Humanities) |
Faculty Membership details (Life Membership): 134
Student Membership details:
Academic Year |
No. of ISTE Student membership taken |
2023-24 |
800 |
2022-22 |
650 |
2021-22 |
576 |
2020-21 |
582 |
2019-20 |
554 |
2018-19 |
254 |
2017-18 |
216 |
2016-17 |
461 |
Number of Activity Conducted under ISTE, RIT Student Chapter:
Academic Year |
No. of Programs Conducted under ISTE Student Chapter. |
2023-24 |
15 |
2022-23 |
15 |
2021-22 |
17 |
2020-21 |
10 |
2019-20 |
12 |
2018-19 |
15 |
2017-18 |
15 |
2016-17 |
14 |
ISTE Award Received in academic year 2023-24:-
- Rajarambapu Institute of Technology has been awarded the "Best Private Engineering College Award" at the 52nd National Annual Faculty Convention of the Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE), New Delhi at Kalaburgi. The award was received by Dr. P. V. Kadole, Director of RIT; Dr. S.K. Patil, Dean Academics of RIT; and Prof. Y. S. Patil, Chairman of the ISTE RIT Chapter, presented by Dr. Pratapsingh Desai, President of ISTE New Delhi, Dr. B.C. Bilgundi, President of HK Society Kalaburgi, Prof,Dr.Buta Singh Sidhu, Vice chancellor MRS Punjab Technical University, Bhatindaand Dr.KiranRajana, Chairman Ethnotech group of companies, Bengaluru.
Best Private Engineering College" Award received by Dr. P. V. Kadole, Director of RIT and team; presented by Dr. Pratapsingh Desai, President of ISTE New Delhi, and Dr. B.C. Bilgundi, President of HK Society Kalaburgi
- Dr. S. S. Patil, Head of Department AIML has been honored with the prestigious, "Best Teacher Award" by ISTE Maharashtra Goa Section for year 2023. He received recognition for his remarkable achievements in academics and research.
Summary of Activities
Academic Year 2023-24
- Rajarambapu Institute of Technology Rajarmnagar organized, the Engineering Teachers Day function under Academic Section in association with ISTE – RIT Chapter on 08/12/2023. Hon.Pratik Patil (Chairman Rajarambapu Sugar Factory) was the chief guests of the function. During the function different awards were distributed to Teachers by the hands of the chief guest. The function was conducted in presence of Hon. Shri. R. D. Sawant (Secretary KES), Dr. P. V. Kadole (Director, RIT) all Deans, HODs, ISTE Co-ordinators and faculties.
Felicitation of Hon.Pratik Dada by Dr.P.V.Kadole, Director RIT during award ceremony.
- Automobile Engineering Department organized one day workshop in association with ISTE RIT Chapter on the “Preparing Diploma Programs for NBA Accreditation”dated on 11/07/2023. Dr.R.M.Shinde and Prof.Y.S.Patil coordinated the program.
Inaugration of workshop by Dr.P.V.Kadole, Director RIT in presense of Dr. S. R. Desai, HOD Auto. and faculties
- 3) Automobile Engineering Department organized one day workshop in association with ISTE RIT Chapter on “Vehicle overall Maintenance” dated 17/09/2023 for Third and Final Year class. Live demonstration of maintenance was given to student at India Automobiles and J.D.Automobiles, Islampur.
Maintenance sessions conducted at workshops
- 4) The ART GALARY event was conduted by ISTE RIT Chapter on occassion of Repiblic Day. The prize distribution of event was conducted by the hands of Hon.Director of RIT Dr.P.V.Kadole in presense of ISTE team members.
Prize Distribution by the hands of Dr.P.V.Kadole,Director RIT, Prof.Y.S.Patil, Chairman ISTE RIT Chapter and Prof.Y.B.Bhosale faculty advisor ISTE.
- 5) Department of Information Technology in association with ISTE RIT chapter organized a Three-day workshop on “Software Testing using Automation Tool” from 3rd November 2023 to 5thNovember 2023. No. of participants: -60; Resource person: -Mr. UmeshThorat (Sr. Software Tester, Soft Grid Info PVT. Ltd. Pune), Mr. Satish Pawale (Sr. Software Tester, Soft Grid Info PVT. Ltd. Pune). Program coordinator: -Prof. R. B. Sadigale, Workshop Coordinator- Mr. A. D. Homkar. Chief Guest of Inauguration function: Dr.A.C.Adamuthe (Head, IT Department)
Certificate distribution of workshop by the hand of Mr. Umesh Thorat and Mr. Satish Pawale (Sr. Software Tester, Soft Grid Info PVT. Ltd. Pune)
- Information Technology Department in association with ISTE RIT chapter organized A Technical2024 Symposium "INFOTSAV 2K24" on Friday, February23, 2024, and Saturday, February24, 2024
Inauguration of INFOTSAV 2K24 by Dr.P.V.Kadole (Director RIT), Dr.L.M.Jugulkar Dean, Student Development, Dr.A.C.Admuthe HOD IT and faculties.
- Department of Mechatronics Engineering" in association with ISTE Student Chapter organized A Technical Symposium "EKYAM 2K24" on Friday, February23, 2024, and Saturday, February24, 2024
Inauguration of "EKYAM 2K24" by Mr.Kunal Jadhav, HR Wipro Pune, Dr.P.V.Kadole ,Director RIT, Dr.L.M.Jugulkar Dean, Student Development, Dr.S.S.Shirguppikar HOD Mechatonics, Prof.Y.S.Patil, Chairman ISTE RIT Chapter and faculties.
- Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engg." in association with ISTE Student Chapter organized A Technical Symposium "ORION 2K24" on Friday, February23, 2024, and Saturday, February24, 2024
Inauguration of "ORION 2K24" by Dr. P. K. Khrat ,Senate Member SUK, Dr. P. V. Kadole , Director RIT, Dr. L. M. Jugulkar Dean, Student Development, Dr.A.B.Kakade Dean R&D Dr. M. S. Patil HOD E&TC and faculties.
- Department of Mechanical Engg." in association with ISTE Student Chapter organized A Technical Symposium "TRAILBLAZER 2K24" on Friday, February23, 2024, and Saturday, February24, 2024
Inauguration of TRAILBLAZER 2K24 by Mr. Sujit Patil, Dr. P. V. Kadole, Director RIT, Dr. S. K. Patil, Dean Academics, Dr. L. M. Jugulkar Dean, Student Development, Dr. S. B. Kumbhar HOD Mechanical, Prof.Y.S.Patil, Chairman ISTE RIT Chapter and faculties
- Department of Computer Science and Engineering (AIML)." in association with ISTE Student Chapter organized A Technical Symposium "AI FUSION 2K24" on Friday, February23, 2024, and Saturday, February24, 2024.
Inauguration of by AI FUSION 2K24 Dr. P. V. Kadole, Director RIT, Dr. L. M. Jugulkar Dean, Student Development, Dr. S. S. Patil HOD AIML
- Electrical Engineering Department organized Expert lecture under ISTE RIT on the “Capstone project topic selection and report writing” dated on 22/09/2023 for the Third class.Resource personfor this lecture was Mrs.Y.N.Bhosale,RIT Rajaramnagar.
Session on Capstone project topic selection and report writing
- Electrical Engineering Department organized an Expert lecture under ISTE RIT on the “Women Safety and Self Defense” dated 14/09/2023 for all diploma girls students.The resource personfor this lecture wasMr. Sampatrao B. Warke, Assistant Sub-Inspector, Nirbhaya Squad, Islampur.
Session inauguration by Mr. Sampatrao B. Warke, Assistant Sub-Inspector, Islampur
- Mechanical Engineering Department organized Brain Booster Technical Event On the occasion of Engineers Day dated 15/09/2023For Mechanical & Automobile Polytechnic Students.
- Automobile Engineering Department organized a Technical Event under the ISTE RIT Chapter “Mech-AutoVibes” dated 15/09/2023 F.Y., S.Y., and T.Y automobile engineering students.
Glimpses of MECH-AUTO VIBES event.
- Prof. Y. S. Patil Chairman ISTE RIT Chapter delivered two sessions in FY orientation program on, "ISTE RIT Student Chapter Working". The purpose of session was to convey benefits of getting membership of ISTE and opportunities that chapter provide students for their overall development
Glimpses of Induction program
Summary of Activities
Academic Year: 2022-23
- RIT has received an award “Best Chapter for raising highest number of student membership 2022“ for year 2021-22 during 23rd Annual Faculty convection and Award function on 4 March 2023 at Priyadarshini college of Engineering, Nagpur,Maharashtra, India. This Award was honoured in the presence of chief guest Hon. Abdul Dewale Mohammed, Founder and Group Executive President, Africa Asia ScholorGlobal Network (AASGON), UK & Guest of Hon. Prof. Pratapsinh K. Desai, President ISTE New Delhi.
Prof. Y. N. Bhosale received award by the hands of Hon. Abdul Dewale Mohammed Academic Year: 2022-23
- Rajarambapu Institute of Technology Rajarmnagar organized, the Engineering Teachers Day function under ISTE – RIT Chapter on 10/09/2022. Hon.Dr. Pratapsinh K. Desai (President ISTE) and Hon. Dr. Ranjit K. Sawant (Chairman ISTE Maharashtra Goa Section) were chief guests of the function. During the function different awards were distributed to Teachers by the hands of the chief guest.
Session by Hon.Dr. Pratapsinh K. Desai (President ISTE) and Hon. Dr. Ranjit K. Sawant (Chairman ISTE Maharashtra Goa Section) during award ceremony.
- Automobile Engineering Department organized one day workshop under ISTE RIT on the “Roll of Engineer Entrepreneur”dated on 13/09/2022 for the Third and Second Year class.Expert talk for this workshop by Mr. Siddhant S. Jadhav, GVPL, Pune, Founder & Business Development.
Session of Mr. Siddhant S. Jadhav
- Automobile Engineering Department organized one day workshop under the ISTE RIT Chapter on “Vehicle Engine & System Maintenance” dated 14/09/2022 for Third- and Second-Year class. Expert talk for this workshop by Mr. Shital Adake Owner, Jyotirling Service Point, Islampur.
Practice session on vehicle maintenance by Mr. Shital Adake
- Automobile Engineering Department organized one day workshop under the ISTE RIT Chapter on “Career Opportunities for Diploma Engineers in Government sector” dated 14/09/2022 for the Third- and Second-Year class. Expert talk for this workshop by Mr. Ramesh B. Patil, Motor Vehicle Inspector, RTO Sangli.
Expert talk by Mr. Ramesh B. Patil, Motor Vehicle Inspector, RTO Sangli.
- Department of Information Technology in association with ISTE RIT student chapter organised a guest lecture on topc "Chattrapati Shivaji Raje and Shambhu Raje" on Thursday 06/10/2022 from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm. No. of participants:- 150; Resource person:- Dr. Arun Ghodke (History Scientist). Program coordinator:-Prof.P.R.Gavali. Chief Guest of Inauguration function: Dr. Arun Ghodke (History Scientist), Dr.H.S.Jadhav (I/C Director RIT), Dr.L.M.Jugulkar (Dean Student Development RIT), Dr. S. K. Patil (Dean Academics RIT), Dr.A.C.Adamuthe (Head, IT Department)
Felicitation of Hon. Dr. Arun Ghodke (History Scientist) and delivery of lecture.
- ISTE RIT chapter in collaboration with Electrical Engineering Student’s Association (EESA) organised National Level Technical Symposium ENTHUSE 2K22 on 16/11/2022. Event was inaugurated by Dr. S.S. Kulkarni (Director RIT) and Mr.Vinayak Idate (Chief Executive Engineer Vita) in presences of Dr.L.M.Jugulkar (Dean Student Development RIT), Prof. Y. S. Patil (Chairman ISTE RIT Chapter), Dr. V. L. Kalkhamkar (Head EED) , all faculties and students. Total four events conducted under ENTHUSE 2K22 namely SIM-CKT, CAMPUS STAR, EV RACING and IPL AUCTION. Total 300 students from different institutes participated in event. Event Coordinator :- Prof. Y. N. Bhosale.
Inauguration of ENTHUSE 2K22 by Mr.Vinayak Idate (Chief Executive Engineer Vita)
- ISTE RIT chapter in collaboration with Computer Engineering Student’s Association (CESA) organised National Level Technical Symposium TECHNOSPHERE 2K22 on 16/11/2022. Event was inaugurated by Dr. S.S. Kulkarni (Director RIT) and Mr.Ravikumar Naik (Scientist from TATA Institute of Fundamental Research) in presences of Dr.L.M.Jugulkar (Dean Student Development RIT), Prof. Y. S. Patil (Chairman ISTE RIT Chapter), Dr. N. V. Dharwadkar (Head CSE) , all faculties and students. Total four events conducted under TECHNOSPHERE 2K22 namely GOOGLER, CAMPUS CHAMP, QUIZZLE SPARK and IPL. Total 350 students from different institutes participated in event. Event Coordinator :- Prof. P. G. Bendre
- ISTE RIT chapter in association with MESA inaugurated TECH-FEST event on 02/12/2022 at 10:00 am. in CSE conference hall of RIT. The event was inaugurated by the hands of Mr. Sourabh S. Bhosale (CEO and Co-Founder at Project Vision) in presence of Dr.H.S.Jadhav (I/C Director RIT), Dr. S. K. Patil (Dean Academics RIT) , Dr.L.M.Jugulkar (Dean Student Development RIT), Prof.Y.S.Patil (Chairman ISTE RIT Chapter), Prof.Y.N.Bhosale (Faculty Advisor ISTE Student Chapter).
Session by Mr. Sourabh S. Bhosale (CEO and Co-Founder at Project Vision).
- ISTE RIT Chapter organized a webinar session for the use of Scientific Calculator exclusively for 'first year' students on 07/01/2023 using Google Meet Platform at 8:00 pm . Miss. Gayatree Pawar (RIT Alumna and Software Engineer Associate, Dassault Systems) was a Speaker of webinar. Total 170 students participated in webinar.
- ISTE RIT Chapter organized "ART GALLERY - 2K23", a grand series of events on the occasion of 26th January 2023 - "Republic Day". Art Gallery were consists of three events 1) Reel Maker 2) Motion Poster 3) Explore India- A Quiz show.
- ISTE RIT Chapter organized Poster Presentation competition on Saturday, 11/02/2023. The competition focuses on the theme of electrical machines and switch gears. Participants have created visually captivating posters to showcase their research, innovations, and insights in these areas.
Competition participants with Dr.S.K.Patil Dean Academics & HOD Dr.M.V.Mandle
- ISTE RIT chapter organized welcoming session for new members on 25/03/2023. During session Miss. Jhanvi Shahane was awarded with star performance award.
ISTE Faculty and student core team and Felicitation of Miss. Jhanvi by Dr.L.M.Jugulkar Dean Student development.
- Rajarambapu Institute of Technology diploma wing organized a state-level “District 10” technical symposium in association with ISTE-RIT for all polytechnic students on 15 April 2023. A total of 8 events organized under symposium by different departments. 450+ students from all polytechnics participated in different events.
Inauguration of DISTRICT-10 by the hands of Dr.H.S.Jadhav
Inauguration of DISTRICT-10 by the hands of Dr.H.S.Jadhav
- ISTE RIT Chapter organized Reel competition on 19/04/2023. The theme of competition was RIT. The competition aimed to provide a platform for aspiring filmmakers and enthusiasts to showcase their talent and creativity in producing reels.
- ISTE RIT Chapter organized one day workshop on Microsoft 365 on 20/05/2023. This workshop covers the features of Microsoft 365 and dive the students into the world of these powerful tools that have become crucial part in students professional and personal lives.They explored the art of crafting professional documents, creating dynamic spreadsheets,and designing captivating presentation. The session was guided by Mr. Amankhan Pathan, the CEO of Bubble Byte Ventures Pvt. Ltd.
- Information Technology Department in association with ISTE RIT chapter organized A Technical Symposium "INFOTSAV 2K23" on Friday, May 12, 2023 and Saturday, May 13, 2023.
- Department of Mechatronics Engineering" in association with ISTE Student Chapter organized A Technical Symposium "EKYAM 2K23" on Friday, May 12, 2023 and Saturday, May 13, 2023.
- Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engg." in association with ISTE Student Chapter organized A Technical Symposium "ORION 2K23" on Friday, May 12, 2023 and Saturday, May 13, 2023
- Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engg." in association with ISTE Student Chapter organized A Technical Symposium "ORION 2K23" on Friday, May 12, 2023 and Saturday, May 13, 2023.
- Automobile Engg. Dept." in association with ISTE Student Chapter organized A Technical Symposium " KHYMERA 2K23" on Friday, May 12, 2023 and Saturday, May 13, 2023.
Academic Year: 2021-22
- Conducted online webinar on“Landslides and their Mitigation”under ISTE RIT chapter on 25thAugust 2021. The program was open for students, faculties and industry personnel. No. of participants:- 395; Resource person:- Dr. Madhav B. Kumthekar (Government College of Engineering, Karad. Program coordinator:- Prof.M.M.Maske
- On occasion ofTeacher’s Day, ISTE RIT Chapter, Rajarambapu Institute of Technology, Islampur had organized a Program on blended mode (offline and online) where approximately 300 teaching and non-teaching staff was present.Prof.Hon. Prof. Dileep N. Malkhede,Adviser-I,AICTE, NewDelhiwas chief guest for this function.

- Organized“Abhivyakti- Poster presentation competition”for all students on 7th2021. No. of participants:- 74; Program coordinator:- Prof.R.T.Patil and Prof.A.A.Prabhavalikar.

- Organized guest lecture on topic“Industry Awareness for Electrical Engineers”on 14thDecember 2021 . of participants:- 61; Resource person:- Mr. Rukmangad Deshpande, GM, Adani Electricity, Mumbai. Program coordinator:- Prof.Mrs.Y.N.Bhosale.

- Organized guest lecture on topic“Opportunities for MS in USA”on 20thDecember 2021. No. of participants:- 41; Resource person:- Mr. Yash Bhamare, Research Assistant, USA. Program coordinator:- Prof.Mrs.Y.N.Bhosale
- Conducted a technical event for students“Tech It out”on 8th2022. No. of participants:- 75; Program coordinator:- Prof.Mrs.Y.N.Bhosale and Prof.P.C.Chavan.

- ConductedAICTE ISTE sponsored, Induction programon,”Intelligent Technologies for Autonomous Vehicle System”. For all Faculties and Industry personnel’s from 14thto 20thJanuary, 2022.Funding of Rs.93, 000/- received from AICTEto conduct program. No. of participants:- 75; Resource person:- 15 resource persons from reputed organizations. Program coordinator:- Prof.Mrs.S.S.Patil and Dr. Jagannath Nalawade.
- Organized“ART Gallery 2022”a nontechnical event for all students on the occasion of Republic day 26th January 2022. . of participants:- 20; Judges- Yoga trainers(national/ international)- Devyani, Sakshi and Priyanka Program coordinator:- Prof.Mrs.Y.N.Bhosale.
- Celebrated“World Automobile Day”by organizing expert talk of automobile working profession on 29thJanuary 2022. No. of participants:- 100; Resource person:-Akshay ChavanSenior Manager in Outdoor validation,TATA Motors Pune. Program coordinator: - Prof. Y.S.Patil.

- Organized Three days FDP on“Emerging Trends in Chemistry and Research Methodology”from 16thto 18th2022. No. of participants: - 40; Resource persons: - subject experts and industry persons. Program coordinator: - Prof. N.A.Kalungade and Prof. S.S.Patil.
- Celebrated Marathi Bhasha Diwas 2022 by organizing“Marathi Pawool Padhte Pudhe”a non technical event on 26thFebruary 2022. No. of participants: - 40; Program coordinator: - Prof.Mrs.Y.N.Bhosale.

- Celebrated women’s dayby organizing Girls project competition on 11thMarch 2022. No. of participants: - 120; Program coordinator: - Prof.Varsha Lokare and Prof.Ashwini Jagtap.

- Organized one day workshop on“Effective Execution of Final Year Engineering Project.”Under lead college scheme on 11thMarch 2022. of participants: - 54; Resource persons: - Dr.D.G.Thombare and Prof.S.G.Kumbhar. Program coordinator: - Prof.S.G.Kumbhar and Prof. Y.S.Patil.

- Organized one dayworkshop on “self Defence” for Girlson 12thMarch 2022. No. of participants: - 25; Resource persons: - Mr. Satish Wadangekar Sr. Instructor, Kolhapur . Program coordinator: - Prof.Mrs.Y.N.Bhosale.
- Organized two days workshop on“Python for AI and ML”for Students and faculties under lead college scheme from 24-26thMarch 2022. of participants: - 40; Resource persons: - Prof.S.P.Patil and Prof.A.B.Patil Program coordinator: - Prof. Mrs.S.P.Patil.
- Automobile Engineering Student Association and Society of Automotive Engineers India Collegiate club of RIT in association with the ISTE RIT chapter organized A National Level Technical Symposium KHYMERA 2K22 on 30thApril 2022. Six events were organized under KHYMERA. A total of 350 students from different colleges participated in the event. Inauguration of event was conducted at the hands of Mr.S.S.Miraje CEO Eicher Motors Kolhapur in the presence of all faculties of the Automobile Engineering Department.

- Diploma Wing of RIT, organized the State Level Technical Event “District’10” for Polytechnic Students in association with RIT ISTE Chapter MH-084 on 30thApril 2022.. The different events like Technical topic presentation, Quiz competition, Poster presentation, Image maker, Estimate Master are conducted under the District’10 event. Total 515 Students enrolled for District’10 from different Polytechnic Institutes in Maharashtra.

Academic Year: 2020-21
- Department of Computer Science and Information Technology conducted 5-days online training on “Programming in Python” under RIT- Center for Teaching & Learning (RIT-CTL) in association with Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE ) & Computer Society of India, Student Chapters, RIT, during 20th-24thJuly 2020.

- Department of Electrical Engineering organized one day webinar on “Relay coordination in Power System” on 19 July, 2020, under RIT-ISTE Student chapter& RIT-IEEE Student Branch Supported by IEEE Bombay Section.

- Organized “Award Distribution Function “ on account of Teacher Day Program and Engineers Day on 15th2020. under ISTE, RIT Chapter for teaching and non-teaching Staff.
- Program was conducted online on Ms-Team Platform.
- Approximately 200 teaching and non-teaching staff was present.
- Prof. Hon. Dr. Indumathi T.S., National Treasurer, ISTE, New Delhi was chief guest for this function.
- During the program,
- 24 awards were distributed in category of Promising Young teacher, Distinguished Technical Support and Distinguished Service Support.
- 8 Awards given for special achievement outside the institute at national and international level
- 11 Awards given for best researchers in RIT

- Organized Art and Rangoli Contest on 8thNovember 2020 under ISTE. No. of Entries:

Coordinator: Prof. Snehal S. Patil , Prof. V. Lokare, Prof. A.M. Jagtap (CSE)
Department of Computer Science & Engineering successfully conducted a Two days’ workshop on“Build Real World Websites”under CSI and ISTE (Online Platform) on 10th and 11th December 2020 for students (CSE,IT) under CSI and ISTE Student Chapter.

- A workshop entitled “DevOps and Cloud Automation” was organized by Department of Computer Science and Information Technology on 30th(Saturday) and 31st(Sunday) Jan 2021 from 10 am to 5 pm under CSI, IEEE, ISTE student Chapters for all CSIT students.

- Conducted the orientation program of ISTE RIT Chapter for FY Students of all branches on 20thFeb 2021.

- ISTE RIT Chapter(MH-84) , are organizing online expert talk on women's day i.e. 8th March 2021.Ms Rama Kirloskar,Managing Director of Kirloskar Ebara Pumps Limited (KEPL)will be the speaker for this session and she will talk on the topic"Career path and leadership roles for women engineers".

- Diploma Wing of RIT, organized the State Level Technical Event “District’10” for Polytechnic Students in association with RIT ISTE Chapter MH-084. The different events like Technical topic presentation, Quiz competition, Poster presentation, Image maker, Estimate Master are conducted under the District’10 event. Total 638 Students enrolled for District’10 from 68 different Polytechnic Institutes in Maharashtra.
Coordinator: Prof. Akshay M. Kulkarni (Mechanical Engineering, Diploma Wing)
- Department of Automobile Engineering (Diploma), Conducted online 3 Days Faculty Development Program entitled "Motor Vehicle Rules & Transport Management" for students and faculty members of engineering diploma and degree in association with ISTE RIT Chapter from 24tht0 26thJune 2021.
Coordinator: Prof. R.Y. Chavan, Automobile Engineering (Diploma)
Academic Year: 2019-20
- Organized Teacher’s Day program in all Dept. by ISTE Student Chapter on 5th2018.
- Conducted expert session on“Network Simulator 2 (NS2)”under ISTE RIT Student Chapter on16thOct 2019 for TY-ITstudents
- Conducted Programming Challenge Series for SY and TY (CSIT) students from July 2019 on “C Programming” and “Data Structures and Algorithm”.
- Department of Computer Science and Information Technology has conductedOne-week ISTE approvedself-funded STTP on“Mobile Application development using Android”from9th-13thDec 2019.
- Organized “Art-Gallery” event on occasion of Republic Day 26th Jan 2020. Rangoli and Pot painting competitions are taken under this event.
- Organized “Girls Project Competition” on the occasion of International Women’s Day (8th March) under ISTE, IETE Chapters and ICC Cell, in association with Institution of Engineers (India)-Pune Local Centre and Lead College Activity, Shivaji University, Kolhapur on 10th March 2020
Teacher’s day program at all departments |
Teacher’s Day award program |
A session on “Network Simulator 2 (NS2)” |
Programming Challenge Series |
STTP on “Mobile Application development using Android” |
Girls Project Competition |
Academic Year: 2018-19
- Conducted 4 days’ workshop on “Introduction to Linux Basics to Advance”for SY and TY IT students on 28 and 29thJuly,18thand 25thAug. 2018
- Organized guest lecture on “Innovative Bio Medical Project Ideas” by Dr.Gorakh Mandrupkar on 14th2018 for BTech Students of ETC, Mech, CSE and IT departments.
- OrganizedART Gallery - “Painting, Sketching and Selfie Hunt Competition” event on 15th2018 the occasion of Independence Day Total Entries: Paintings and Sketches: 27 entries and Selfie Hunt: 18 Groups
- Organized Teacher’s Day program in all Dept. By ISTE Student Chapter on 5th2018.
- Organized “Award Distribution Function” for all teaching and non-teaching staff on occasion of Teacher’s Day.
- Techno-boardis an activity conducted under ISTE from 15thSeptember 2017 in Department of Civil Engineering.
- Organised guest lecture on “Black hole and hypersonic reusable vehicles” of Dr.Shripad Mahulikar from IIT Bombay for TY and B.Tech Mechanical Students on 3rd Oct 2018.
- Organized Expert lecture on “Emotional Intelligence” on 6th2018.
- Organized 2 Days workshop on“Introduction to Internet of Things (IoT)”on 6thand 7thOct 2018.
- Organized expert lecture on“Network Simulator 2 (NS2)”on 19thOct 2018 for TY-IT students
- Organized 1day Industry visit is to Maharashtra State Electricity board MSEDCL, MIDC, Islampur on26th January for Third Year Electrical Engg. Students under ISTE RIT Student Chapter.
- Organized one day workshop on “Agile Scrum Master and Version Control System” on2ndFeb 2019 (Saturday)for TY and Final Year BTech. IT students under ISTE.
- Organized the“Girls Project Competition”on occasion of International Women’s Day in association with Institutions of Engineers (India) - Pune local Centre and Lead College Activity, Shivaji University, Kolhapur on8thMarch 2019
- Organized session of Mrs. SapnaAwade (Hon. Secretary, DKTE Society, Ichalkaranji) on“Women Empowerment”for Girls occasion of International Women’s Day on 8thMarch 2019.
- Organized one day workshop on “Routine VehicleMaintenance” on 10thMarch 2019 under ISTE RIT Student chapter.
Workshop on “Introduction to Linux Basics to Advance”

A session on “Innovative Bio Medical Project Ideas”
Art Gallery

‘Teachers Day Celebration’at various departments
Award Distribution Function |

Techno-board Inauguration
Guest Lecture on “Black hole and hypersonic reusable vehicle” |
Expert lecture on “Emotional Intelligence |
2 days IOT workshop |

Visit to MSEDCL, Islampur
Workshop on Routine vehicle maintenance |
Dipex Participants |
Academic Year 2017-18
- Conducted One Day Workshop on "e-IoT 3500 kit"
- Conducted Three-day training program on "Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) and SCADA"during 11-13thAug 2017
- Organized ART Gallery - “Face Painting and Selfie Hunt Competition”
- Organised One DayIoTworkshop on 22ndSept 2017
- OrganizedTeacher Day Programand Award distribution to faculties, Technical Assistance and Support Service by Mr. Mahesh Anant Kakade, COE, Shivaji University
- Celebrated Engineers day at all departments
- Conducted“Leadership Development and Office Administration”on occasion of“World Quality Day on9thNov 2017
- OrganizedOne-week Short Term Training Program on “Python Programmingunder lead college scheme, SUK during 6th-10thDec 2017
- 1-week ISTE Short Term Training Program on“Advanced Softwares in Electrical Engineering”during 15th- 19thJan 2018
Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) and SCADA |

Art Gallery
Leadership Development and Office Administration
Academic Year 2016-17
- OrganizedTeacher Day Programand Award distribution to faculties, Technical Assistance and Support Service by Mr. Pratapsinha Desai, ISTE President
- Organized Special Talk of Industry and Academic People on 24th Sep t. 2016 for BTech Guest: - Prof. G. Ram Mohana Reddy (HOD NITK, Surathkal) and Mr. Rajesh Vartak, Chief Technology Officer and Executive Director SEE D Infotech. Pune.
- Conducted expert lecture on “Computer Programming” Under IST E on 30th2016 for FY B. Tech Students.
- ISTE RIT Chapter and Vishakha cell organized clothes donation camp in Jan 2017
- Organized a guest lecture of Retired Lt commander Girish Mandrupkar on “Career opportunities in Défense sector”.
- Organized the “Art Gallery Event” on 26th Jan 2017.
- Organized the expert lecture on “Goal setting” on 18th Feb 2017
- Organized Girls Project competition on occasion of International women day in association with Lead college activity Shivaji University, Kolhapur with IETE and
Vishakha Cell on 8th March 2017.

Award Distribution program Inauguration ceremony with the hands ofProf. Pratapsinh Kakaso Desai, President, ISTE, New Delhi

Cloths donation to Vijaymala Anath Aashram, Islampur

Expert lecture on “Career opportunities in Defence sector”

Art Gallery Event